Sunday, March 17, 2013

Joyful Noise

Did you knows that I'm a poet? It's true. And I wrote this poem today as far as you knows. Kyle gets credit on the copyright license - which means you can share my poem - because he letted me use his #2 pencil. Which I did not chew up. And his eraser, which I chewed a little but so would you. And his computer, which he was lucky to get back at all, because I wants one of my owns. Except I wants an iPad mini. Just right fur me.

Joyful Noise

by Brookie

I bark because of the birds
in the grass and above on the wires
and how they dance away
or fly and disappear
when I want to be close

I bark because of the people
and the dogs I can smell
going by on the street
and how they keep moving past
always do not stop and play

So I bark being so often
acquainted with disappointment
but also because of the sunshine
and my good food and my toys
and how much I feel all this joy

Creative Commons License
Joyful Noise by Kyle Kimberlin is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License