Sunday, December 8, 2013

Deck the Halls with Squeaky Balls

I got to go see Christmas lights. I thought we were going for a walk when my people put my harness and leash on me, except that it was nighttime and cold and dark outside. I wouldn’t care anyway, because I like going anywhere, any time. But they put me in the car in my special seat and we drove. I got very excited and whimpered and whined a lot and they told me to shush, but I didn’t. It helps me cope.

Pretty soon we came drove up to a house with lights all over it and all over the yard and the trees. The whole yard was full of toys to play with! I have never wanted out of that car so much in my whole two years. There were snowpeople and angels and teddy bears and reindeer and everything and it was all lit up beautiful. Santa Claus was up on the roof!

My people talked a lot and pointed at things and after a while we drove away home. It was warm in my house and I got treats.

I have to go back to that lighted-up place. I just have to get out and pee on something. Well, I want to sniff on everything and bite some of it and rearrange it just a little bit. But I swear and I wouldn’t pee on it very much, as far as you know. Just got to leave a message that Brookie Was Here at Christmas time, in the darkest most beautiful time of the year.  

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Journey

My Human who I takes fur walks gived this to me, fur postin'. He said he readed it and now he nose he's been doin walks all wrong, and that makes him sad. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Me and My Pumpkin

I have a pumpkin of my very own! I haven't figured out how to eat it yet, but my nose tells me I'm going to have to try. After Halloween, though. First I have to draw a scary face on it. I might need a little help - no thumbs. [Sigh]

Click the photo to see it bigger!

Monday, August 12, 2013

How It's Done

This is how you play with your ball if you're by yourself, and you have a stream. I usually wait for someone to throw the ball for me, but this looks like fun!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Friday, August 9, 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013

What's your status?

I has a friend. She's the same species as me, as far as you know.

Monday, July 22, 2013


Me and my friend Etta, having some fun. We play!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Happiness is a Tired Puppy

Flying Raccoon

Did the baby see a flying raccoon get launched? I have one that flies around the house making loud squeaky noises, as far as you know. ... Or maybe fireworks?

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Baby Bat

Some things that are cute are not me. Here's a baby bat.

Friday, July 5, 2013


Here's how it feels to be little dog at the park on a summer day.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Can you sing?

I'm pretty talented. I can do lots of things. But I don't sing. Well, I bark to protect my peoples, but that's not the same and they don't always appreciate it. Anyway, here's a bird that can sing a whole song.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Meet Mr. Raccoon

I have a bed that I love, even though I've outgrown it and I have a bigger one now. I call my old bed Shortie. I don't know why.

I have a new toy. It's a raccoon. I like to make it squeak.

Hey, how's life going for you?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Gettin fancy

Look at me, I'm postin blog from a smart phone. Well it's not super smart. Try asking for the weather.

Anyway I'm a cool dog! Here's me with I'm ice I'm chewin on. Bet you can't lie on your nekid tummy in the cool grass, chewin on ice, and get away with it.

Monday, June 17, 2013


How Cute Am I?

I have not updated my blog in a long time. I have been very busy playing and going for walkies and getting brushed and stuff. Dogs are very busy people, you know.

My buddy Kyle has made me a new photo album with pictures of just me. Because I am that cute, he says. I don't know - I am not interested in mirrors. I like smells and treats, don't you?

Here is a link to my photos. Don't bend the edges or get paw prints on 'em, OK? Humans are so messy.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Joyful Noise

Did you knows that I'm a poet? It's true. And I wrote this poem today as far as you knows. Kyle gets credit on the copyright license - which means you can share my poem - because he letted me use his #2 pencil. Which I did not chew up. And his eraser, which I chewed a little but so would you. And his computer, which he was lucky to get back at all, because I wants one of my owns. Except I wants an iPad mini. Just right fur me.

Joyful Noise

by Brookie

I bark because of the birds
in the grass and above on the wires
and how they dance away
or fly and disappear
when I want to be close

I bark because of the people
and the dogs I can smell
going by on the street
and how they keep moving past
always do not stop and play

So I bark being so often
acquainted with disappointment
but also because of the sunshine
and my good food and my toys
and how much I feel all this joy

Creative Commons License
Joyful Noise by Kyle Kimberlin is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

I Likes to Smile

Friday, March 15, 2013

Learning the Stairs

This is how dogs and cats teach their puppies and kitties to do the stairs. Is very fun, really.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

If it feels good, chew it!

See? I'm not the only dog who likes to chew up stuff. Yer busted, dude!

How to Get the Comfy Rug

and the chewy too.

... You gots to has a strategy.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013

Look Who's Here!

Look, you guys! It's my friend Etta.

Click the picture for bigger.

Ackshully, I'm not sure if she's my friend or a Christmas present that Santa brought me a little bit late.

Anyways, I'm pretty happy she's here to play wif me. She'll be here for a while, which is good because there are a lot of things we need to work out. Like who gets dinners first and who get dibs on Dad's lap for TV time.

We'll work it out, hopesfully without anybuddy gettin' the stuffin thumped outta them.