Monday, October 8, 2012

Gettin Socialized

I had a visitor, and I made a new friend. My buddy Etta came from way up north and stayed with me for almost a week. It was fun to have another dog inna house. In my house, where I am alpha. Wail, except fur the humans. And I guess Etta and I haven't really got that alpha thing worked out all the way, but it was still fun. We had plays and play fights and got lots of treats.

I had to be in my cage a lot and go out to pee with my leash, 'cause I just had a operation to get spaydered, but I got even more treats!

Here is a picture of us in the kitchen, waiting for one of my people to give us treats.

And there's more new photos of me and Etta - and just me - if you click here.

Take a close look at all the hairs on my face, 'cause they're not gonna be there next time you see me. I'm getting groomered, is the rumor, today. A nice warm bath and a trim fur my fur.

I'm gonna be even prettier, I hope!

Sniff ya later, Doods!